Saturday, December 1, 2007

Three's Company

If my roommate keeps pulling shit at this rate, I honestly don't know what he's gonna be putting me through by the end of the year. Last night I came in my room after dinner to find 4 dudes standing around looking at my stuff. They quickly scurried into my adjoining suitemates room. I asked a dude on my hall who they were and they said they are friends of my roommate. This statement left me quite puzzled. I always assumed my roommate was arrogant and had no friends, and that those two worked themselves into a vicious cycle of loneliness. Then it hit me, maybe my roommate only needs 4 friends and that's why he can't be the least bit considerate to any one else on the hall. 3? no...then you have to rotate them too much. 5? no...too many names to remember.

I vaguely recall having this conversation about his friends coming over and staying...I say vaguely because it happened like a month ago. He asked if I would mind should a few friends come and stay. When I asked how many he told me, "uhhh, I dunno maybe a lot". What? Anyways, this inquiry came to fruition last night with out my prior knowledge. They weren't around FT for long and I was soon home alone, in a room all to myself. Ahhhhh

I got this really bad headache last night though so I didn't end up going out. I would have just got dreezed in the dorm rooms but I popped a few advils to cure the headache and I'm sure mommy wouldn't approve of me mixing drugs and alcohol. So I stayed in and didn't do anything spectacular. Actually, Gordon ( The guy who lives on my floor and is mortimers long lost twin - if mortimer worked out 3 times a day and only wore "man-tanks") and I were bored so we decided to square up for a few games of sting pong:



This idiot in the rec room was all like "That looks like it hurts! Why don't you guys play beer pong?!" Son, if Tecate was flowing out of the faucet like water please believe I'd be playing beer pong....After being subjected to Gordons antics for over an hour I decided it was time to hit the sheets. I was pretty concerned when i came back to my room because I really didn't want to walk into a circle jerk of my roomie and his 4 friends (no homo). Surprisingly I walked into an empty room and passed my ass out at about 2 AM. Of course, douchebag and his friends (who were actually quite nice nice might I add. But then again, I did talk to my roommate for a few weeks before I realized he was a creep. Maybe it just takes time with that whole group) come stomping into the room at an ungodly hour. fuck.

I'm finally sleeping in for the first time since thanksgiving woo hoo. Oh fuck, what is that? what this guy watching Kill Bill at 10 AM? With the volume all the way up? Is that a sword fight I'm hearing? or is that just in my head because I'm still asleep? Oh wait no, this guy really is that inconsiderate that he can't even wait another hour when I'm out of bed. (For the record, I don't watch TV or listen to music when he's napping at 5 P.M.) Do I act like the pimp that I am and handle this fool? Oh wait, his 2 friends are passed out on the floor, I'm a pimp but I can't do 3 on 1, my hand ain't that strong. I took a picture on my phone of our room guests but my roomie is a fan of the blackout shades so the picture is a tad on the dark side, it's not even worth posting. Now I'm blogging at 1:10 P.M. on a saturday afternoon in the rec room because if his friends are anything like he is, they're probably just playing video games and now I'm exiled. Great. I know I forgot something but whatever. See you guys later.

Oh one thing I did forget. While I was walking around on campus I saw this guy. I was so in awe at what I saw that I forgot to take a picture. He was wearing a beanie, aviators, a really tight shirt, sevens and some fucking uggs with the tops rolled down. No comment.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Hey, maybe there will be an antropology class in 2150 based on your blog. Keep up the records !