Right where I left it. You'd think he could put forth the effort he saved by making easy mac (hence the "easy") to clean up the dishes. No, scratch that. It's ONE dish that he dirtied up, no elbow grease required! I could lick that plate clean in the time it takes for his computer to boot up.
I suppose I can't really be mad at him for not cleaning it up. Afterall he did have a rough night. He was up until 1:30 AM! Oh wait, I was too because I can't really go to sleep unless the lights are off and it's quiet (as quiet as 38 kids on one floor can get). Then he woke up at 6:45 when his alarm went off to remind him that he had 8 AM class. I made it to mine, he chose to press the snooze button 5 times and eventually unplug the alarm clock. I came back from class to find this...

Then took a nap around 11:15 and woke up at around 1 P.M. to find this...

No, I didn't mess up the pictures. This is my life. Just watching somebody be this lazy takes a toll on you. It was really hard to get to sleep when my nap time finally rolled around. See, dude is a snorer, but not like my dad snores. Well, for those who don't know my dad, I can hear it through the wall, and my mom ends up sleeping on the couch because she can't hear herself think in the same room. My roomie snores like if my dad was being smothered with a pillow. Like this drawn out muffled nasal thing. It almost sounds as if it's difficult for him to sleep and breathe at the same time. I know, multitasking is rough. Once I went back to sleep he promptly brought out the xbox and fired up some halo 3. The surround sound is dope. Not when I'm trying to get some damn shut eye though.
Then the elevator broke down with somebody in it and emergency teams came....

A lot of em....

1 comment:
I feel bad for this guy. Maybe he's super depressed...? I know he's an asshole but maybe that's his way of dealing with his depression. No one should sleep that much. Take him to the school therapist! (only if you want, I don't care that much)
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