I remember his scribbling something at like 7:15 in the AM on a piece of paper, I had no idea he was capable of making gold at such an early hour. Let me break this apart real quick:
CSO meeting - My roomie is training to be a Community Service Officer. This means he gets paid to be a douchebag. Ever since he got the job and started training he's been on his high horse telling all his online buddies about how he had to get finger printed for a job and how he's working for the police. Son, I had to get finger printed too, and I babysat 8 year olds. The job consists of walking around the dorms and busting people for drinking or telling them to turn their music down. If it's not that then he's getting calls to walk people home from Isla Vista because they're too drunk or they are girls who figure they are targets for sexual harassment (maybe you shouldn't have gone to that party in just a bra and heels? Oh excuse me, just because you dress that way... shut up!!). Considering dude is too lazy to walk the 50 paces it takes to get to the dining hall, I don't know how he's going to cover the miles he'll walk in IV attending to drunkards, especially at an hour that is prime WoW time (World of Warcraft, act like you know). He is so lazy that he was bummed to find out being a CSO would not grant him permission for an on campus parking permit. Yes you live off campus. No you can't waste gas and park on a school lot when you live less than a mile away. You have legs, and although they maybe gelatinous and and useful only for connecting your feet to the rest of your body, you need to use them. I walked more than you the day after I learned how to walk. Yeah, I was a motoring son of a bitch.
Check homework - What is the point of checking your homework if you never do it. I honestly didn't even know the kid had an econ class. Unless he only does his homework when I'm in the bathroom or when I'm blinking, I don't know how he handles his shit. I'm not even in the bathroom for more than like 5 minutes at a time anyways.
Buy bike - ....uhhhhhh
Arrange stuff with...Jew? - Yeah so like when you write notes to yourself, sometimes you shorthand or you write little reminds to keep track of your stuff. That does mean you have to go and be all antisemitic about shit. Just because you want to keep god in schools doesn't mean you have to refer to your friend jew. I'm gonna refer to you as honkydouche, that's not derogatory, is it?
Go Running - How about you go walking? or go standing first? Baby steps my friend....Oh wait, you put a question mark after it....good thinking. Yeah, it's probably not going to happen.
I'll tell you, I hate blogging, but it's like when the sergeant gives you ammo you just hafta fire. I also came home to find this....

Well strictly by that picture alone I can make out a pizza box, a box of breadsticks, an empty case of water and two cream soda cans. I hope to god he's not waiting for me to take out the trash considering I throw away like one piece of paper a week. Oh nevermind, cleaning people are coming tomorrow. They'll take care of it. Atleast he recycles....
how about you just stop going to school if you hate it so much and become a writer. You'd be perfect for writing a newspaper column about this stuff. You are hilarious. If you haven't already, cheer up because you are AWESOME and you know it.
i still can't believe you have "cleaning people" for your dorm room
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