In shittier news, I woke up on monday and saw that it was pouring outside. Worse than it has ever rained in L.A. Oh, whats that? You don't believe me?

Don't even make me break out the doppler snap shot, it's just depressing. Moms told me we got 4.5 inches yesterday alone. You know what though? Ain't all bad, I swear girls still find ways to wear booty shorts, they just don't let up.
Back to the matter at hand though, my boy, my roomie, my road dog. He started playing music while he kills people online and it's all off his iTunes. Now I know not everyone can be rocking 45XX songs of various genres like yours truly, but this dude literally has (excluding every system of a down album ever made) 10 songs in his iTunes, and they're all mad random. You ready?
Rihanna - Don't stop the music
Daft Punk - Technologic
Ok Go - Here it goes
Men without hats - safety dance
Cascada - Everytime we touch
Okay so I lied about there being 10, there's only 5. The best part is that he puts it on shuffle, but like, that doesn't do anything when you're only working with 5 songs.
I'mma get back to this over the weekend, it's half past midnight and I have a chem test tomorrow morning at 9 in the AM. Before I leave though I'll leave you with this anecdote and a few pictures from the weekend. So the weekend before last was just a random weekend in IV where me and the homies had some drinks and wandered around looking for house parties. We rolled up on one that was pretty, shall I say, "crackin". Long story short, I end up dancing with this shorty (homegirl was like 4'11", I put that on my momma) who is challenged in the balance department. I know I wasn't that drunk but she had me stumbling all over the place. I just decide to post up on a speaker so I dont have to worry about looking sloppy, plus I can give my legs a little rest. I don't know if we were dancing for a long time, or if she was just grinding me up against the speaker extra hard or what but I'll tell you, when I woke up in the morning, I had 2 big raw spots on either one of my ass cheeks. I tried to take a shower and they burned. The next day they got all scabbed up but my shit still hurt. She told me she goes to USC so I'll probably never see her again, but when I do, I'mma get 'er back. and that's real. Here's the pics....

basically we gonna have a party in my room, bottomline
Actually that's all the pics I have for now. Enjoy. Peace
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