Midterms start this week, I just slaved over a job application for the summer up here at UCSB and me and some people signed a lease for a spot to live next year. It's gonna get hectic. To make it easier since some people have been asking, here is where it is. And no, you can't stay for halloween.

and not to bitch anymore but roomie is still doing what he does best. Absolutely nothing. Apparently he is in my chemistry class, but I wouldn't know that because he has never gone to it, not even last friday when we had a quiz. that the teacher sent emails about. I was going to start a tally of how many days he goes to class vs how many days he ditches, but it probably would have been too depressing. Plus I don't know if he actually goes to class when he leaves the building, my guess is that he's just sitting inside his car wacking off to the leather seats that 19 grand got him. It's almost nostalgic to think back to the first week of school and he was telling anyone who would listen that he "Needs a job because he's so used to working 40 hours a week" and that if he's not working he just doesn't know what to do with himself...You think he could at least find time to shave the face pubes more than once a month. And as I've said previously how I hate the stupid, demeaning t shirts he wears with the stretched out collars (because he sleeps in them, not because he has a beef brisket neck), someone really needs to buy him this shirt, it would just complete the whole useless thing he's got going on...
You're not going to enjoy it when you wake up one day after falling asleep with a box of oreos on your chest and you can't get your fat ass up because you ate yourself immobile and you're just stuck to the mattress because you wanted to save money and not buy a matress pad so you could get the 6 speaker upgrade in your car so that when you drive me to school euro trance sounds like it's bumping from inside my head. When don't you just go wake up at noon everyday even though you have class at 9 three days a week, and leave the window and blinds closed while you're at it so when I come home it smells like someone set off an explosion of BO in my room. And you can't smell it because you have a stuffy nose because you're just perpetually sick due to the fact that you have no immune system because you haven't been outside in 3 years and every disease that your body has learned to fight off has gotten stronger and that's why you shut all the doors. Because having friendships can be fun, but they can also get you sick.

Goodnight guys.
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