So, I'm studying for my chemistry midterm tomorrow and I thought I'd take a break from reading between the chapter on enthalpy and the chapter on entropy. Now that I'm here I have to come up with something to write but of course that's not a problem when you live with my roommate, it's like he comes up with the stuff for me to write! He should be somebody's muse, he'd be a hell of a lot more productive than he is now. I know what you're thinking, this guy has given you stuff to write about for 3 months now, why don't you just keep him? Ummm, I have 16 more weeks with the kids, I think that would qualify as him overstaying his welcome in my life. Thank you very much.
So he started his CSO job last night. The one I described as being paid to be a douchebag. It's almost as legit as being a mall security cop, except those guys carry guns, or atleast things that look like guns. Oh, they have badges too, I never bothered to go up close and see what they say, but they have badges on. If a CSO sees some illegal activity, then he'll call back up in the form of IV Foot Patrol, the troopers who walk up and and down DP and hassle you if you look like you've had too much to drink or if you're carrying an inconspicuous water bottle etc etc. Then, if IVFP catches you doing something illegal, then they have to call Santa Barabara police because they actually have cars and work out of something a little more substantial than a room of cubicles conveniently located next to freebirds. So long story short, if you ever get stopped by CSOs for being drunk, don't fret because you'll probably spend more time on the curb than in the drunk tank. After all, calling back up who has to call back up takes time. So basically, CSOs are on the very bottom of the food chain, only one rung above your little brother who walks around with the plastic handcuffs you got him for christmas and wants to play cops and robbers.
Sorry about the long winded explanation. It really sounds like the perfect job for him, plus I even get something out of it. Last night was his first shift and he was gone from 10 P.M. till 3 A.M.. No mother....I didn't do what you think I did! I went to sleep at 10 o clock because catching up on sleep over the weekends is just something that doesn't happen around here. I ended up waking up a few times during the night which never happens to me, I think it was because it was so quiet. I could hear myself sleeping, and that was just too much. I woke up at 1 AM, and then sometime after 2, and every time I would look across the room to see an open bed. I thought maybe he wasn't coming back, but that was just wishful thinking because this bitch came home round 3 o clock with his SICK ASS 150 DOLLAR COSTCO BIKE BRO. I was thinking about asking him how the job was, until I realized that I thoroughly don't care one bit about anything that goes on in his life and then I looked at the clock at it was 10:05 and he was still sleeping so I said fuck it and went to class. Then I got back from class at 3:30 and my room was dark and I was about to throw a book at him and tell him to wake the fuck up until I realized he was just watching anime cartoons and eating goldfish out of the bag (not even pouring a few on his desk) with the blinds closed to the point where it's like pitch black but also 110 degrees of smoldering bed sheets and cheese fingers. I almost gagged.
He is in my chemistry class and I really don't know if he's aware of the midterm that we have tomorrow. I hope he doesn't wake up just so he can fail out this school and leave me with a peaceful single room. Then anytime you guys want to come and kick it, I have a free bed. You just have to bring your own sheets, and maybe your own mattress. After all my roomie's been lying in it for 15 weeks now like he was dying on it.
Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend. I think this weekend I'm leaning a little more towards the enjoyable side. Peace
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Happy 24th Baby Boy
More substantial post to come, I swear. I just wanted to quick shout out my boy Eric for having this blog on his RSS feed because it's that important. He just turned 24 so he's officially a man now in my book, even though I feel like if you were there the day I got my first pubic hair and asked me if I wanted a cold beer, that would make you a man. I don't know if it happened exactly like that, but E-rock, this goes out to you.
Midterms start this week, I just slaved over a job application for the summer up here at UCSB and me and some people signed a lease for a spot to live next year. It's gonna get hectic. To make it easier since some people have been asking, here is where it is. And no, you can't stay for halloween.

and not to bitch anymore but roomie is still doing what he does best. Absolutely nothing. Apparently he is in my chemistry class, but I wouldn't know that because he has never gone to it, not even last friday when we had a quiz. that the teacher sent emails about. I was going to start a tally of how many days he goes to class vs how many days he ditches, but it probably would have been too depressing. Plus I don't know if he actually goes to class when he leaves the building, my guess is that he's just sitting inside his car wacking off to the leather seats that 19 grand got him. It's almost nostalgic to think back to the first week of school and he was telling anyone who would listen that he "Needs a job because he's so used to working 40 hours a week" and that if he's not working he just doesn't know what to do with himself...You think he could at least find time to shave the face pubes more than once a month. And as I've said previously how I hate the stupid, demeaning t shirts he wears with the stretched out collars (because he sleeps in them, not because he has a beef brisket neck), someone really needs to buy him this shirt, it would just complete the whole useless thing he's got going on...

You're not going to enjoy it when you wake up one day after falling asleep with a box of oreos on your chest and you can't get your fat ass up because you ate yourself immobile and you're just stuck to the mattress because you wanted to save money and not buy a matress pad so you could get the 6 speaker upgrade in your car so that when you drive me to school euro trance sounds like it's bumping from inside my head. When don't you just go wake up at noon everyday even though you have class at 9 three days a week, and leave the window and blinds closed while you're at it so when I come home it smells like someone set off an explosion of BO in my room. And you can't smell it because you have a stuffy nose because you're just perpetually sick due to the fact that you have no immune system because you haven't been outside in 3 years and every disease that your body has learned to fight off has gotten stronger and that's why you shut all the doors. Because having friendships can be fun, but they can also get you sick.
This my life, my existence.

Thats a crosshair on the screen back there. If you look in my eyes you can see a little piece of me dying too, you gotta look close though
Goodnight guys.
Midterms start this week, I just slaved over a job application for the summer up here at UCSB and me and some people signed a lease for a spot to live next year. It's gonna get hectic. To make it easier since some people have been asking, here is where it is. And no, you can't stay for halloween.

and not to bitch anymore but roomie is still doing what he does best. Absolutely nothing. Apparently he is in my chemistry class, but I wouldn't know that because he has never gone to it, not even last friday when we had a quiz. that the teacher sent emails about. I was going to start a tally of how many days he goes to class vs how many days he ditches, but it probably would have been too depressing. Plus I don't know if he actually goes to class when he leaves the building, my guess is that he's just sitting inside his car wacking off to the leather seats that 19 grand got him. It's almost nostalgic to think back to the first week of school and he was telling anyone who would listen that he "Needs a job because he's so used to working 40 hours a week" and that if he's not working he just doesn't know what to do with himself...You think he could at least find time to shave the face pubes more than once a month. And as I've said previously how I hate the stupid, demeaning t shirts he wears with the stretched out collars (because he sleeps in them, not because he has a beef brisket neck), someone really needs to buy him this shirt, it would just complete the whole useless thing he's got going on...
You're not going to enjoy it when you wake up one day after falling asleep with a box of oreos on your chest and you can't get your fat ass up because you ate yourself immobile and you're just stuck to the mattress because you wanted to save money and not buy a matress pad so you could get the 6 speaker upgrade in your car so that when you drive me to school euro trance sounds like it's bumping from inside my head. When don't you just go wake up at noon everyday even though you have class at 9 three days a week, and leave the window and blinds closed while you're at it so when I come home it smells like someone set off an explosion of BO in my room. And you can't smell it because you have a stuffy nose because you're just perpetually sick due to the fact that you have no immune system because you haven't been outside in 3 years and every disease that your body has learned to fight off has gotten stronger and that's why you shut all the doors. Because having friendships can be fun, but they can also get you sick.

Goodnight guys.
Friday, January 25, 2008
So basically 17 units doesn't let up, that's why I haven't been on here as of late. Plus my hard drive decided to say "fuck you" while I was backing all my files up and so I had to start from scratch. Other than that life is good up in Santa Barbara, but room 1214 is still shitty (that's my room). This week I had this cough that just lingered and lingered and I felt like an asshole sitting in my discussion section listening to people talk about the importance of gender in chicana history while I hacked and wretched over their opinions. I feel like I might have caught the bug from this weekend, which was 3 days long, props to MLK (and jose cuervo). Mommy says I should lay low this weekend which I'll probably do, but you never really know how the weekend pans out till it's here. Me and my homies got a place to live next year so I kind of have to pop open the bottle of patron...
In shittier news, I woke up on monday and saw that it was pouring outside. Worse than it has ever rained in L.A. Oh, whats that? You don't believe me?

That's god being like "Yeah, I'm gonna piss on you all week"
Don't even make me break out the doppler snap shot, it's just depressing. Moms told me we got 4.5 inches yesterday alone. You know what though? Ain't all bad, I swear girls still find ways to wear booty shorts, they just don't let up.
Back to the matter at hand though, my boy, my roomie, my road dog. He started playing music while he kills people online and it's all off his iTunes. Now I know not everyone can be rocking 45XX songs of various genres like yours truly, but this dude literally has (excluding every system of a down album ever made) 10 songs in his iTunes, and they're all mad random. You ready?
Rihanna - Don't stop the music
Daft Punk - Technologic
Ok Go - Here it goes
Men without hats - safety dance
Cascada - Everytime we touch
Okay so I lied about there being 10, there's only 5. The best part is that he puts it on shuffle, but like, that doesn't do anything when you're only working with 5 songs.
I'mma get back to this over the weekend, it's half past midnight and I have a chem test tomorrow morning at 9 in the AM. Before I leave though I'll leave you with this anecdote and a few pictures from the weekend. So the weekend before last was just a random weekend in IV where me and the homies had some drinks and wandered around looking for house parties. We rolled up on one that was pretty, shall I say, "crackin". Long story short, I end up dancing with this shorty (homegirl was like 4'11", I put that on my momma) who is challenged in the balance department. I know I wasn't that drunk but she had me stumbling all over the place. I just decide to post up on a speaker so I dont have to worry about looking sloppy, plus I can give my legs a little rest. I don't know if we were dancing for a long time, or if she was just grinding me up against the speaker extra hard or what but I'll tell you, when I woke up in the morning, I had 2 big raw spots on either one of my ass cheeks. I tried to take a shower and they burned. The next day they got all scabbed up but my shit still hurt. She told me she goes to USC so I'll probably never see her again, but when I do, I'mma get 'er back. and that's real. Here's the pics....

Keystone and a random beezy

When the roommate is away.....
basically we gonna have a party in my room, bottomline
Actually that's all the pics I have for now. Enjoy. Peace
In shittier news, I woke up on monday and saw that it was pouring outside. Worse than it has ever rained in L.A. Oh, whats that? You don't believe me?

Don't even make me break out the doppler snap shot, it's just depressing. Moms told me we got 4.5 inches yesterday alone. You know what though? Ain't all bad, I swear girls still find ways to wear booty shorts, they just don't let up.
Back to the matter at hand though, my boy, my roomie, my road dog. He started playing music while he kills people online and it's all off his iTunes. Now I know not everyone can be rocking 45XX songs of various genres like yours truly, but this dude literally has (excluding every system of a down album ever made) 10 songs in his iTunes, and they're all mad random. You ready?
Rihanna - Don't stop the music
Daft Punk - Technologic
Ok Go - Here it goes
Men without hats - safety dance
Cascada - Everytime we touch
Okay so I lied about there being 10, there's only 5. The best part is that he puts it on shuffle, but like, that doesn't do anything when you're only working with 5 songs.
I'mma get back to this over the weekend, it's half past midnight and I have a chem test tomorrow morning at 9 in the AM. Before I leave though I'll leave you with this anecdote and a few pictures from the weekend. So the weekend before last was just a random weekend in IV where me and the homies had some drinks and wandered around looking for house parties. We rolled up on one that was pretty, shall I say, "crackin". Long story short, I end up dancing with this shorty (homegirl was like 4'11", I put that on my momma) who is challenged in the balance department. I know I wasn't that drunk but she had me stumbling all over the place. I just decide to post up on a speaker so I dont have to worry about looking sloppy, plus I can give my legs a little rest. I don't know if we were dancing for a long time, or if she was just grinding me up against the speaker extra hard or what but I'll tell you, when I woke up in the morning, I had 2 big raw spots on either one of my ass cheeks. I tried to take a shower and they burned. The next day they got all scabbed up but my shit still hurt. She told me she goes to USC so I'll probably never see her again, but when I do, I'mma get 'er back. and that's real. Here's the pics....

basically we gonna have a party in my room, bottomline
Actually that's all the pics I have for now. Enjoy. Peace
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
If it's not one thing, it's another...
Merry 2008 peoples. I'll be without a computer for the next week as my macbook goes out to Cutino CA or where ever Apple is located for a replacement hard drive...Yup, hard drive went caput. I wanna be mad at apple, but it ain't their fault. I guess I just want to be mad at something.
Oh hey what do you know? I moved back in with my roommate! There's something to be mad about! After 3 peaceful weeks at home I moved back into our slighty renovated and newly named dorm, "The Santa Catalina Ocean Towers". I suppose "Fuck Towers" wasn't a very endearing nickname for F.T....It's too bad too, this place is gonna suck now. When was the last time a name change did something good? Puff Daddy was Golden. But P Diddy? More like P Shitty.
So back to the man of the hour. Did he have a good break? I don't know, I really don't care. I don't talk to this guy and he don't talk to me. I'd have it no other way. I'm beginning to suspect that his new years resolution was something about giving up the World 'o Warcraft and doing something productive with his life. Well I guess he succeeded, Warcraft is gone. But of course that's only because he got some other game that will get all his attention and suck all the decency and humanity and priveldge out of this turd. Call of Duty 4 is the name of the game. He doesn't really play games though, he lives them. As of 9:51 PM tonight, he is on (according to my unofficial mental clock) hour 6 of his marathon session. I just sit here in bed on the homie's laptop while I watch this skeleton skinny lump squint and bug out his eyes as if to get inside the television and during respawns he wipes his finger inside a near empty pudding cup. Sorry buddy, but Jello didn't hide salvation in the bottom of that cup.
Last night he was on another tour of duty for god knows how long, I attempted to go to sleep around midnight. The haziness that ensued somewhere between being awake and passing out was broken up intermiteently by exclamations such as "Code Blue!", "They're flanking!" and "That noob is a puss!" It sounded like german troops were storming my dorm room, air strikes and all. At a quarter to two I told him to call it quits, I was feeling sick and I think it was the xbox live that was doing it to me. He managed to get up for class at 8 am too, although I shouldn't really be too surprised - his "time in bed" quota is way past complete, I'm surprised this guy doesn't run around during the night when everyone is asleep.
I'm about to get my life straightened out and hit the sheets but I'll leave you with this. Roomie managed to hobble himself down to the dining hall today (I don't know if he actually hobbles, I'm just guessing, I've never seen him take more than 5 paces) and bring back A HALF A BOX OF COOKIES from the dining hall. No joke, just stacked up on his desk like pringles. I guess a good soldier needs to stay fed!
Oh hey what do you know? I moved back in with my roommate! There's something to be mad about! After 3 peaceful weeks at home I moved back into our slighty renovated and newly named dorm, "The Santa Catalina Ocean Towers". I suppose "Fuck Towers" wasn't a very endearing nickname for F.T....It's too bad too, this place is gonna suck now. When was the last time a name change did something good? Puff Daddy was Golden. But P Diddy? More like P Shitty.
So back to the man of the hour. Did he have a good break? I don't know, I really don't care. I don't talk to this guy and he don't talk to me. I'd have it no other way. I'm beginning to suspect that his new years resolution was something about giving up the World 'o Warcraft and doing something productive with his life. Well I guess he succeeded, Warcraft is gone. But of course that's only because he got some other game that will get all his attention and suck all the decency and humanity and priveldge out of this turd. Call of Duty 4 is the name of the game. He doesn't really play games though, he lives them. As of 9:51 PM tonight, he is on (according to my unofficial mental clock) hour 6 of his marathon session. I just sit here in bed on the homie's laptop while I watch this skeleton skinny lump squint and bug out his eyes as if to get inside the television and during respawns he wipes his finger inside a near empty pudding cup. Sorry buddy, but Jello didn't hide salvation in the bottom of that cup.
Last night he was on another tour of duty for god knows how long, I attempted to go to sleep around midnight. The haziness that ensued somewhere between being awake and passing out was broken up intermiteently by exclamations such as "Code Blue!", "They're flanking!" and "That noob is a puss!" It sounded like german troops were storming my dorm room, air strikes and all. At a quarter to two I told him to call it quits, I was feeling sick and I think it was the xbox live that was doing it to me. He managed to get up for class at 8 am too, although I shouldn't really be too surprised - his "time in bed" quota is way past complete, I'm surprised this guy doesn't run around during the night when everyone is asleep.
I'm about to get my life straightened out and hit the sheets but I'll leave you with this. Roomie managed to hobble himself down to the dining hall today (I don't know if he actually hobbles, I'm just guessing, I've never seen him take more than 5 paces) and bring back A HALF A BOX OF COOKIES from the dining hall. No joke, just stacked up on his desk like pringles. I guess a good soldier needs to stay fed!
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