Wednesday, May 21, 2008


So I guess this blog is coming to an end. Not a premature one though, I've been wanting to do this for a while, you know, end one chapter of my life and begin a new one. I was going to wait until move out day or sometime thereafter when I'm sitting in my new spot with the ocean view and I don't have much to do but wake up and go on radio all day, but frankly the dining hall doesn't open for 30 minutes, I'm starving and I can't actually fall asleep in that small period of time.

*Aside: I might actually be able to since I was woken up twice last night. First at 1:30 by an intoxicated friend of mine who lives on my floor who walked in and jumped on my bed to say hello. And second when my roommate started expressing himself with expletives towards the computer monitor a little too loud for my slumber. Then I looked at the clock and realized it was 4 o clock in the AM and just gave a big "Whatthefuckisgoingon... type sigh"

So here I am. I like to do these blog entries before 3 PM because I can just sit in the dark, type them out and my roommate is none the wiser because he's just closing his eyes trying to pretend that the day hasn't begun even though it's technically half over. I don't want to make this sappy, but I also don't want to forget anything. I feel that there's really no need to rant since I've been doing that in the previous 30 posts in this blog, but I might have to make a few points.

I've just been thinking about the whole college experience and well here it is. I've already told my parents this, so mom you can just skip down a few paragraphs and dad I'm proud of you for making it this far because frankly I didn't know if you even read this at all, or maybe you have somebody read it to you because you can't read and that's all good too. I don't discriminate. So anyways, I actually had this conversation with Max on air this morning. College is about balance. It's about balancing academics with self indulgence. It's about doing the work to get by without sacrificing the opportunity to do whatever you want at just about any hour of the day. When it comes down to it, this school isn't too complex. It consists of 20,000 co-eds who need to make a grade for their parents, but at the same time want to drink and smoke as much as possible, lay out by the beach (preferably inebriated), find someone to have sexual relations with (preferably not for longer than a 24 hour span) and go to class just enough as to not have a guilty conscience. We work hard but our effort towards making grades is far outshined by our effort put forth to take a 30-pack to the face. Go ahead, eat a 2,000 calorie burrito at 3 in the morning, why do you think the restaurants are open that late? Of course it's acceptable! Freebirds does more than half their business between 12 and 3 AM!

Of course, this blog isn't about the other 19,998 kids. This one is about me and my roommate. I made the prior point to relate it to this guy who is sleeping 4 feet away from me. He's never drank, never smoked, never left the dark cozy cavern he's made out of our dorm room, probably never seen Del Playa beach, never talked to any girl except the one across the hall and even went home during Halloween weekend. Yet, he is the most self indulgent person I've ever come across, it's just that his tastes in selfmade luxuries hasn't matured to that of the rest of the UCSB community. He sleeps as much as humanly possible, he eats and drinks soda as if he's trying to reach a quota, he lays under the covers when he watches TV for mindnumbingly long periods of time and he plays video games that he is good at so he can talk shit to little kids over the internet. He knows he is always correct because his twisted vision of reality has lead him to believe that, and he buys copious amounts of comsumerist shit for ridiculously cheap prices so that he can say he "got it for cheap". It's all for show. He's compensating obviously. From the big flat screen, to all the new computer parts, to the new car, to the CSO uniform. You my friend, are practically indescribable. My vocabulary is not big enough nor does it contain an adequate amount of adjectives to correctly and thoroughly describe just how much of a waste of life you truly are.

Being thrown in a room with a stranger that you are "paired-up" with is one of the stranger institutions of college life. I can say whole heartedly that I would have preferred any other human being to share a room with. I know this is college and it's a time to escape but I would have even preferred to share the room with my mother or father, it was that bad. This guy did nothing for me. He lived his life, I lived mine, and yet his managed to impose on me in the worst ways. Somedays it was so bad I had to leave so that it wouldn't affect me too much, because if I let it get to me that badly, then he wins. And believe me, the last thing I wanted to do was let this guy win. He wins everything in his mind, I'm sure he's never been told no. He's taking this computer science class right now and you'd figure it'd be the perfect thing for him. He gets to type in shit on the computer all day long. What's more pathetic is that he is on the computer all day and never actually does the homework. He never cracks the book and when his friend comes in to ask how he's doing he always says "I'm screwed. It's due in an hour and I haven't started. Can I copy?" Everything, always. He's a self proclaimed genius who won't put out any effort whatsoever. Old einstein said it himself, Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.....

I want to say that I learned something out of this experience, but in doing that I would be implying that he taught me or that I learned on his account. That would just be giving him too much credit and he's the least deserving person in the world. I picked up this writing again just now at around 330 PM and he's furiously smashing buttons and killing goblins online. He's also breathing heavily every minute or so because he's so engulfed in the game that he's forgetting he needs oxygen. I'm so frustrated being here that I can't even think of anything remotely positive. So with that, I'll finish up the 07-08 freshman year wrapup when I'm in higher spirits. I think I'm going to go punch a wall now. Peace

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