Last night I was hanging out at the front desk because two friends of mine were working from 10-2 am so I thought I'd keep em company. I basically ended up working the entire shift without pay but whatever, I don't really care that much. Around 1230 AM this black lady comes to the front of the building and is just standing there with some puppy dog eyes. Doors lock after 10 so I opened it for her to ask if she needed anything. She walks up to the front desk and with this dead ass stare on her face says to us "Okay, I need to ask you guys something but you need to promise you won't laugh alright? Okay...where am I?" We tell her she's in Goleta California which is right outside Santa Barbara. I don't want to go through a whole mess of dialogue but when it comes down to it, this woman was trying to get from Gilroy to her house in Fresno:
I printed her out how to get back to her house but I just felt so bad, she said "That's what happens when you let a man drive! Go Girl!! Anyways, yeah she was a good 4 hours or more away from home and it was already almost 1 AM. Then I somehow brought up the fact that the beach was only a 10 minute walk and her eyes lit up like "Did you say the beach? There's a beach over here?" And I told her yeah and then said "Umm, excuse me, have you ever seen the beach?" And she was just in awe like "Nahhhh!!" I need to stay over night to see this!! Then she asked me where she could get a camera to show her friends and she got on the phone with her auntie talking about "Where my kids at" and I just wanted to crack up in laughter but I couldn't because I honestly felt so so bad. Plus I also heard her saying "When I get back to the car I'mma cut this nigga!" That freaked me out a little bit, I'm not gonna lie.
That was that, ended up crashing closer to two, much later than I expected. Then my roommate came home from "duty" (Without quotes just makes it sound like a job, it's more like boy scout camp) at 3 am and woke me up. Then I thought the sun had come out and it was morning already but instead he had just turned on the TV, when he realized he had woke me up he turned it off and then proceeded to start eating. This guy ate for like 20 minutes, just sat up in bed and started munching in pitch blackness. It was absolutely repulsive, I'm trying to sleep and all I can hear is him reaching into the gallon of bgoldfish box, getting some, and then crunching them around in his disease ridden mouth for a while before dumping the rest of the box down his pie hole. I think he finished em or maybe he just got tired because then he moved on to tortilla chip, his selected snack lately. He's been doing the chips and salsa thing all day now, with the thing of salsa just sitting on his chest, ewww.. So he's digging through this bag of chips at 3:30 in the god forsaken morning and all I can hear is him crunching away and the inside of my head is about to explode. For the first time in my life I actually felt full fledged anger. I couldn't do anything, everyone was asleep, I can't sleep in the study room, I don't know the people working at the desk, I'm tired, he's closed the window so I'm burning up and I have to hear him munching n chips. I was about ready to punch a hole in the wall. People ask why I never do anything to him, or ask him to change, and it's because I'm just a nonconfrontational person. I'd rather let it blow over than deal with it. I haven't talked to him in over 2 weeks so why should I start now right? But for that one moment, at 330 AM last night I was ready to get out of bed, walk over to him and bash his head in. I ended up falling asleep and then got woken up by his alarm at 8 o clock that went off 5 snooze cycles until he decided today wasn't the day to go to class.....WOWWWWWW.
Now it's 1:15 in the afternoon, my laundry is about done and I'm typing this in a pitch black room even though it's clear as day outside and as beautiful as christina milian in love don't cost a thing. Instead of playing some nice music and relaxing on a gorgeous day, I'm venting while the thing that I live with is curled up on his fucked up bed that looks like it came back as a movie prop from schindlers list, blinds closed, eyes closed just sleeping away the rest of the day. If anyone still reads this blog, is this fair at all? I feel terrible that my mother pays money for me to live in these dorms when I can't even live decently, I love this school I just hate the dude I share with.
The guy I was talking to last night at the desk is the homie, and I'm living with him over the summer. I explained all my problems with this guy and he was just like "This summer is gonna be so good, that you're gonna forget all the bullshit that came with having a roommate freshman year" And that's real. Peace
Edit: Dude just woke up at 4 PM because I just came into to fold my laundry. He propped himself up, turned on star trek and started eating gold fish without changing into new clothes, taking a shower, washing his face, brushing his teeth, anything. It's getting old though and I imagine anyone reading this blog is getting bored of me saying the same thing. He's like a broken record, how many times can you just sit, watch star trek, eat goldfish and guzzle a Barqs?! I think it's more than just how gross he is, it's the redundancy of his life that repulses me.
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